Hire A Facilities Maintenance Team Before the Holidays

Hire A Facilities Maintenance Team Before the Holidays Building Maintenance Management November 26, 2013

Can you believe another holiday season is upon us? You probably have a lot to do. This holiday season, leave your facilities maintenance to your professional Edina facilities maintenance team. We can handle all of your facilities maintenance needs, and we’re only a phone call away.

Winter Maintenance

If you’re trying to get all your ducks in a row before you leave your Edina office for the holidays, now is the time to get on our schedule. If you have any punch cards or inspections you need performed, be sure to call our team of Edina facilities maintenance experts to take care of that for you. Those things don’t need to hang over your head like a little black cloud as you’re preparing for time off.

Extra Maintenance Issues

During the next month, you may have even more facility maintenance needs than usual. Heaters may break, debris may get lodged where it shouldn’t and that’s just the beginning of the list. By having a dedicated team on your side, you will have the peace of mind at your Edina business that you’re covered if anything goes awry. Don’t worry every time something goes wrong. Trust the Edina facilities maintenance team at BMM!

Gives You More Time

During the holiday season we understand you are even busier than normal. If you’re an Edina  business owner, you’re busy all year long, but add shopping, cooking and traveling to the equation and you may begin to feel overwhelmed. Don’t spend even an extra half hour at your Edina business dealing with facilities maintenance issues. We’ll handle them for you, so you can get out the door and on your way.

Are you in need of a dependable Edina facilities maintenance company? Contact us today by calling 763-541-4886 or contact us online.

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