Looking for a Minneapolis building maintenance company?
If you own a business or multi-family property in Minneapolis, you know how important it is to keep everything fully operational. And at Building Maintenance Management (BMM), we make sure your building is in working order so you can focus your attention on keeping your business or commercial enterprise running smoothly.
Minneapolis Building Maintenance Service
We offer the following building maintenance services to Minneapolis clients:
- Affordable Property Maintenance: We provide Minneapolis businesses and multi-family properties with full- and part-time preventative and general maintenance. The BMM staff has licensed boiler engineers on board, and our team is well acquainted with all aspects of building maintenance.
- Fill-In/On-Call Property Maintenance: When you need us, we’re only a phone call away. No job is too big or small. If you need us to fill in during the hiring process, vacations or sick leave, we also provide temporary maintenance services.
Facilities Maintenance Project Work: If you have a need for project work, we can do any (and more) of the following:
- Apartment turns
- Equipment Installations
- Caretaking services
- Dryer vent cleaning
- Installation of CO/smoke detectors
- Landscaping and gardening services
- Deck repair
- Assistance with all types of inspection punch lists
- Magic-Pak® cleaning
- Concrete work
About Building Maintenance Management – Minneapolis
Building Maintenance Management has been in operation since 1987, and in our 25 years of operation, we have provided facilities and property maintenance services to buildings and properties all over the Twin Cities metro, including Minneapolis, to various types of facilities, including multi-family, medical and commercial.
Ready to get started? Call us now at 763-541-4886 or contact us for a work order!